
Today me and my group finished the cardboard oven for the presentation and we got our script looking much better than yesterday because they fiddled with it.


Our group did well with selecting what topics we

were going to do.


But we did not communicate very well with what we were supposed to do.


Next time I will be more discipline with my group because they were not doing what they were suppost to be doing.

book review gangsta granny by David Williams

Book review Gangsta Granny by David Williams


If you like comedy with an emotional message then this is the story for you. This story is about a boy called Ben that never wants to go to his granny’s house and he has always hated her but once he finds out that she’s a international jewel thief he want to help her steal the crown jewels.


I give this book a 8/10 because it was funny when the next door neighbour saw granny doing her naked yoga.

If i were in charge of the world

If i were in charge of the world

I’d cancel chicken,

Bed time,

Allergy shots and also

My sister.


If i were in charge of the world

They’d be no spiders,

Careful cats, and

Smaller wickets an inch tall.


If i were in charge of the world

You wouldn’t have rude.

You wouldn’t have jobs.

You wouldn’t have school days.

Or “don’t punch your sister”.

You wouldn’t even have sisters.


If i were in charge of the world

A chocolate sundae with hershey’s sauce

Would be a vegetable.

All movies would be g.

And a person who  forgot to brush,

And sometimes forgot to flush,

Would still be allowed to be

In charge of the world.

Let me tell you some thing about me

Let me tell you something about me

I hate snakes not just hate i really hate them. Sometimes when I see a program with snakes I hide behind the couch. I hate their tongues, their rubbery body’s and their teeth when we go to Australia and go to the zoo i’m like nah i’m not holding a snake. So if I see a snake I nearly cry because their so terrifying what do you think about that.

two days in

This is my second day in room 6 so far it has been fun.

I have found maths challenging to day.

I am looking forward to go to camp and do tech.

I am not looking forward to speeches.

The best thing about being back at school is hearing Mr browns jokes.

Did you know that the MĀori word for practice is whakahautia